I can't afford THERAPY, what should I do?
Where can I get discount tickets for BROADWAY shows?
What kinds of HEALTH INSURANCE can I get?
How do I stay SAFE in NYC?
How do I find an APARTMENT in NYC?
Should I move to LOS ANGELES or NEW YORK CITY?
I have no INSURANCE. what should I do if I get SICK?
What does THERAPY have to do with my acting?
How do I find a "DAY JOB"?
How much should I TIP?
Is New York City SAFE?
Help me with my FINANCIAL priorities?
I have a NATURAL TALENT, do I have to study?
Can I ride a BIKE in NYC?
Should I own a CAR in New York city?
I already know all I need to know - I'm gonna be a STAR!
Where are free Health Clinics?
What are the benefits of seeing a THERAPIST?
If I want to focus on TELEVISION, can I do that in NEW YORK CITY?
Where do I buy GROCERIES?
Should I join a GYM?
Do I need a roommate?


BASIC LIVING EXPENSES: Rent, utilities, cable, telephone and food. Rent runs around $1000/month and up, depending on the neighborhood, building amenities such as a doorman, elevator, gym, and whether or not you have a roommate (not to scare you, but $1000/month is REALLY CHEAP and most likely in a less accessible neighborhood). Utilities (gas, electric) are usually not included in the rent. These can average around $100-$150/month. For telephone service, you can get away with only having a cellphone these days; this averages around $75/month. Cable averages around $100/month without the premium channels. You may want to forgo cable if you have internet access, as you can watch shows via Hulu and YouTube, etc. Your job as an actor is to know what is going on in the world and also what shows are on the various channels. As for food, don't be lazy and rely on the fast food that is ever available. Many New Yorkers eat out a lot - this saps your income very quickly. Be smart, and eat at home -- it is cheaper and healthier. Let's not forget shopping in bulk at warehouse stores. Groceries will cost you an average of $15-$20/day.

The following expenses you need to be aware of; maybe you could have a special bank account where you deposit $20 a week and use that for acting expenses. It is very frustrating for me to call a client and ask for more pictures, only for the client to tell me that he or she doesn't have enough money to reproduce them.

HEADSHOTS (w/Hair & Makeup) - Having your headshot photos taken and reproduced is generally the biggest expense you will experience. Good photographers run between $600-$1000. There is also hair and makeup, which is a separate expense - and yes, men, you may need makeup too!!! The camera lights play nasty tricks with your face, and makeup can help offset these unsightly occurrences. Be prepared to spend between $100-$150 for hair and makeup. HEADSHOTS

REPRODUCTIONS/RETOUCHING - When your pictures are finished and you have selected the ones you'd like to use, you will need to have them retouched (perhaps a stray hair, a blemish, soft circles under eyes, etc.) or there may be no retouching needed. Generally, retouching will be approximately $25-$60 per photo. Reproducing your picture can cost almost a dollar a print. There are cheaper reproduction houses in this country, but many use cheap paper that tends to lack the crispness that you get from good quality paper - and others may use a printing technique that makes them impossible to fax and/or scan - so be careful, and remember you picture may be in a pile with hundreds of others. We want yours to stand out, not fade away. If you start working with a representative PLEASE make sure you always have enough money to pay for more reproductions. There is no excuse for saying "I can't afford it" if a representative needs more photos of you and you have no money to comply. PRINTING AND RETOUCHING

RESUMES - First of all, DON'T print them on the back of your pictures. Why? Because when you book a job and want to update your resume, you'd have to throw away these expensive prints or hand-write a credit in, which can look sloppy. Also, make sure your resumes fit your 8x10 photo. Most sheets of paper are 8.5"x11" and will need to be cut to fit and then stapled to your headshot. Resumes are generally about 5 cents to 8 cents a copy. RESUMES

CLASSES - Prices for classes are very hard to list here: there are too many and the price ranges are great. Audit classes to get a feel for the instructor, what he/she is teaching and see what the class is like. I tell people to look for a class you have to audition to get into. This generally weeds out the novice teacher or "experimenting" actor and hopefully leaves you with a class that is full of working actors. CLASSES

ONLINE RESOURCES - This will vary but there are a number of worthwhile services out there. Some offer audition opportunities, some are resource oriented and of course you don't want to forget your invaluable membership to THE ACTOR'S GUIDE TO EVERYTHING!BUSINESS ENHANCERS

MAKEUP/GROOMING - Yes, we must budget this in. Men: a barber runs around $20 and if you add a shave (one of my personal splurges) it would double the price. If you color your hair, just buy the home treatment kits and master the technique; this will save you lots of bucks. Women: cuts for you usually start at around $60 and increase rapidly. Save some bucks by shampooing your hair at home - also you might want to try in-home coloring if that is your thing, instead of having it done at a salon. HAIR & MAKEUP

CLOTHING - It really is necessary to have your own business wardrobe for auditions. For several hundred dollars you can achieve a lot of different looks that will help your auditions. You'll save money if you don't mix them with your personal clothes. They will stay fresher longer and you'll have to launder them less frequently. ACTING WARDROBE

POSTAGE & SUPPLIES - www.usps.com - You'll need to do follow-up mailings, and mailings to agents, managers and casting directors. This will be a minimal expense but a very important one. Count on around $20 per month - this will increase drastically if you are in a show or film or have something of significance to share with the above-mentioned agents, managers and casting directors on your mailing list.

TRANSPORTATION - You can't afford to take taxis everywhere (at least not yet), but you will probably use transportation every day. One round-trip per day on the subway or bus, at the standard $2.25 fare each way, adds up to $135 per month. Check the Metrocard kiosks in the subway to see what multiple rides are available; a 30-day unlimited Metrocard is $90, a pretty good savings. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION IN NYC

THEATRE - You will need to set some money aside to see NYC theatre. This will depend upon how much you can afford. Some theatres offer standing-room tickets for as little as $10. Other theatres offer $25 tickets to a certain number of people on any given day. Offering to usher is a way for many people of modest means to see a show. Count on $50 to $100 per month to see theatre. THEATRE DISCOUNTS

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