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Stay Positive and Compassionate

The world around us affects us, there is no getting around that fact. Things that we cannot change, like the weather or a late train, are usually easy to shrug off. Personal hurts, however, can be harder to get over. People, at work or play, gossip, or they say or do thoughtless, mean things. How we deal with these hurtful people is up to us First, realize that these unhappy people are more miserable than we are ... I mean, would you want to be them? We can get really upset and let them ruin our day, or we can step back and realize that their unhappiness has nothing to do with us. When we can feel compassion for them, we are better able to shake off our hurt and get back to our business. I know, I know - it is a lot harder than it sounds, but we can be stronger and handle ourselves better than those who try to bring us down.

Many of the articles I write have to do with trying to stay positive, and seeing the bright side of things. Some may think I am simply a Pollyanna, playing "the glad game", but it is truly so important to me and I think one of the most challenging things to do in life. I have found myself struggling to keep positive about things when life hands me a set of challenges that throw me off my game, and I need reminders that how I decide to view my life is my choice to make.

My friend Amy sets a good example. She is a sunny, positive person - almost relentlessly so. She has had a challenging life, facing things that most people would feel negatively about, yet she found a philosophy early on that has allowed her to stay happy and positive and loving through life.

Amy's philosophy is that we cannot control others but we can control ourselves and how we choose to perceive others, and that people who say or do hurtful things are usually terribly unhappy and feeling unloved, and that it is easier to let go of any real resentment and vengeful feelings when you feel compassion for them instead of holding onto anger.

I am inspired by Amy, and I have been trying to repeat her philosophy as a mantra, to make it my own:

1) Stay positive. Make a choice to see the upside of things, and when that doesn't work, try to find some humor in your situation. Laugh at it! Laugh at yourself! A sense of humor goes a long way!

2) Remember that when people say or do hurtful things, they frequently are lashing out at the world because they are feeling hurt and unloved. If we feel compassion for these people, we can more easily shake off our own hurt and get on with our lives. Usually, whatever they said or did says more about them than it says about us.

3) Lastly, remember that just adding one person with a sunny positive demeanor into a group can change the dynamics of the group for the better. Try it for yourself - YOU can be that person!

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