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Behavior is a Mirror

"Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his own image"
- from a Chinese fortune cookie)

I recently read the saying above on the "fortune" in my fortune cookie, and it reminded me of other similar sayings: "Actions speak louder than words", and, "You are what you do". All of these sayings boil down to the same simple truth: we show the world what kind of people we are by what we do, literally -- how we treat others, how we are groomed, how we manage our time, to list just a few examples. Our behavior gives powerful non-verbal messages to others that tell them what to think about us. After all, they may say "Never judge a book by its cover", but we all make assessments and judgments based on the available evidence before us. Knowing this can help us shape how others perceive us.

Our attire and our personal hygiene send strong messages. People may not consciously note that you look clean and neat, but they definitely notice when you are sloppy or otherwise not well-groomed.

How we manage our time sends a powerful message too. When we are on time, we are telegraphing to others that we are ready and eager for our appointment; when we are late, we may give the impression that we do not value other people's time, and that we are not responsible -- which may not be true, but this is the impression some may be left with.

When we are kind to others and offer them care and concern, our actions reflect kindly upon ourselves, and when we speak about others behind their backs -- a bit of snide gossip, perhaps, or maybe belittling another actor's talent -- it says to others that we probably talk about them behind their backs as well.

How do you perceive of yourself, and how do you want to be perceived by the world? Think about that, and think of ways to behave that promote that perception in yourself and in others.

A version of this article appears on Backstage Experts:

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